
The Power of Technology in the Political Arena



The influence of technology on politics has become increasingly prominent in recent years. With the rapid advancements in technology, it is now easier than ever for political actors, private citizens, and organizations to engage in political discourse and shape the political landscape.

In this article, we will explore the major ways technology impacts politics, including as a tool for political actors, as a political topic, as a tool for the public, and as a double-edged sword.

A Tool for Political Actors

One of the most obvious ways that technology impacts politics is as a tool for political actors. Political actors, such as politicians, governments, and other organizations, use technology to identify, engage with, and rally members of the public to their cause, as well as broadcast political messaging.

Data Collection and Digital Media

Data collection and the use of digital media are two of the most powerful methods for using technology as a tool. Barack Obama’s successful presidential campaign was largely due to an unprecedented effort at collecting granular data about the demographics and voting patterns of key voters all over the United States. Since then, data collection has become essential to any modern political campaign. The data is used to create marketing campaigns, cultivate donor relationships, and assist new voters with getting to the polls.

Establishing Authenticity

Another way technology impacts politics is by establishing authenticity with certain voting blocs. For example, Beto O’Rourke’s presidential campaign is built on the unconventional use of social media. By vlogging his thoughts and sharing videos of himself, O’Rourke is hoping to resonate with millennial voters who often spend their time in similar ways.

A Campaign Platform

Technology also serves as a political topic and campaign platform. Many political candidates and organizations have strong stances on issues related to technology, such as data privacy and equitable access to technology. The regulation of major tech companies is also a political hot topic.

Data Privacy

Data privacy is a critical issue for many politicians and members of the public. The “right to be forgotten” has become a household term and is seen as crucial to personal liberty by some political circles. The collection and use of data by political actors and major tech companies have raised concerns about the protection of personal information and the potential for misuse.

Equitable Access to Technology

Another important political topic is equitable access to technology. In some highly developed countries, such as the United States, many areas lack access to high-speed internet, which exacerbates social problems such as education and health disparities.

Disruptive educational platforms, such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), and innovative health technologies, such as telehealth and fitness apps, are often completely inaccessible to the areas of the world that could benefit most from them. This has led to a push for more equitable access to technology, especially in rural areas.

Regulation of Major Tech Companies

The growing power of major tech companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple has led to calls for regulation. These companies are seen as more powerful than many countries in the world and the interest of these entities is a common topic on the campaign trail.

In March, President Trump blocked the acquisition of tech infrastructure giant Qualcomm by Broadcom, citing national security, which was a controversial move even among members of his own political party.

A Tool for the Public

The rise of digital platforms, especially social media, has given private citizens the tools to affect political change like never before. For example, the Arab Spring of 2011 is largely credited to the power of social media and chat apps, such as WhatsApp, which empowered citizens to quickly organize and broadcast their messages around the world. Facebook and Vine videos of protests and police brutality went viral, bringing attention to the cause and forcing change.

A Double-Edged Sword

Additionally, digital media also leaves a “trail” which has the potential to expose unethical or illegal behavior by political actors, as seen in the case of Anthony Weiner. However, technology can also be a double-edged sword, as seen in the spread of fake news and disinformation, which can harm the political process.

Private citizens must be responsible for using technology to affect political change and ensure that the information they consume and spread is accurate.

Technology and politics have become more or less inseparable. You cannot engage in politics without engaging in technology, and you cannot use technology without engaging in politics. The intersection of technology and politics is passionate and will continue to shape the political landscape in the future.

Key Takeaways

  • Technology is a tool for political actors to engage and rally the public.
  • Data collection and digital media play crucial roles in political campaigns.
  • Technology is a political topic, including data privacy and equitable access.
  • Private citizens can use technology to affect political change.
  • Technology in politics has both positive and negative consequences, including the potential for misuse and fake news.


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